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Huntington Valley Youth Football + Cheer Board Members, 2024

We're commited to your program QUALITY, INTEGRITY and HIGH-CALIBER execution.

"Our job (as coaches/ board members) is to not only Inspire and be team leaders, but embody integrity and spirit.  We not only want good football players (and cheerleaders), but also good human beings, and kids that are involved in the community.  Our goal is to teach your kids safely.  We want all our participating youth to have experiences that carry on with them. We will be fair, and give each child the opportunity to play and grow their skills.

By starting this league - we are giving children an opportunity they may not otherwise have.  With passion and drive, we make an impact.  Thank you Dan for your passion and drive, and to the team who has come together to support the vision that is becoming HVPW Football and Cheer. On that Note:

- James McDuffie
Athletic Director / Football Coaches Representative

President - Daniel Feiler

The position of President is an executive position and typically a NON-VOTING member who shall be responsible for, but not limited to:

  • The President is the chief executive of the association and shall have general supervision, direction and control of the business and affairs of the organization.
  • He/ She shall preside at all membership meetings and all meetings of the Board of Directors.
  • He/ She shall be a member ex-officio of all committees and have the power to appoint such committees as necessary.
  • He/ She shall have one vote only in case of a tie.
  • He/She shall facilitate and moderate discussions following motions made and seconded by the board, but shall not unduly influence the Board of Directors.
  • He/She or their duly appointed representative shall attend all OEC and WESCON regional meetings as required.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours a each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized HVPW fundraising/sponsorship events.

Vice President - Ryan Balzer

The position of Vice President is an executive position and a VOTING member who shall be responsible for, but not limited to:

  • He/She shall function in the role of President when the President is absent or unavailable to serve. If serving in this capacity, he/she shall vote only in case of a tie.
  • He/She shall attend any required OEC or WESCON regional meetings or functions when the President cannot attend.
  • In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, he/she shall automatically assume that office and serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours at each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized HVPW fundraising/sponsorship events.
  • He/She shall attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.

Secretary - Kristin Feiler

The position of Secretary is an executive position and VOTING member who shall be responsible for:

  • He/She shall be the custodian of the association HVPW Bylaws and Policies and Procedures and have a copy of both available at all meetings.
  • He/She shall record minutes for each meeting and distribute to all board members following the meeting.
  • He/She shall review previous meeting minutes as the first order of business at all regularly scheduled board meetings.
  • He/She shall be responsible for all Board approved correspondence to all members, vendors, and interested parties required.
  • He/She shall be responsible for all "constant contact" communication to general membership or may appoint someone else to act in this capacity.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours at each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized HVPW fundraising/sponsorship events.
  • He/She shall attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.

Treasurer - Jill Elroy

The position of Treasurer is an executive position and VOTING member who shall be responsible for:

  • He/She shall use "Quick Books" or a closely related system to record, track and reconcile all association financials on a routine basis.
  • He/She shall have access to the post office box and be responsible for bringing forth any and all correspondence before the board.
  • He/She shall prepared and mail all checks to vendors on a timely basis.
  • He/She shall reconcile all bank statements routinely as required.
  • He/She shall track and distribute funds for yearend team parties and/or travel expenses.
  • He/She shall prepare and make all cash deposits to the bank.
  • He/She shall coordinate receipt and deposit of funds for all board approved events and activities.
  • He/she shall track, follow up and process all accounts receivable.
  • He/She shall ensure proper control over board assets and spending.
  • he/She shall provide appropriate summary reports to the board, at least monthly, regarding the financial status of the association.
  • He/She shall ensure the budget committees are formed to accurately forecast and assess annual expenses and anticipated income prior to each season's registration.
  • He/She shall ensure all income and expenses are assigned to the appropriate accounting codes.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours at each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized HVPW fundraising/sponsorship events.
  • He/She shall attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.

Cheer Coordinator -Ambyr Freestone

The position of Cheer Coordinator is an executive position and VOTING member who shall be responsible for:

  • He/She shall coordinate and organize all matters pertaining to cheer and report to the board.
  • He/She shall facilitate the recruitment and interview process of all cheer head coaches. Should the Cheer Coordinator also be a candidate for head coaching position, he/she shall not have a vote in his/her own division.
  • He/She shall organize, coordinate and work with the Registration Coordinators to ensure that all participants have been entered into League One, or a related system and that all rosters are accurate and ready for presentation for certification prior to certification date.
  • He/She shall coordinate and work with the cheer equipment/uniform manager to ensure that all participants have the necessary equipment/uniform to participate in the Pop Warner season and beyond.
  • He/She shall coordinate and work with the cheer coaches representative to ensure that all cheer head coaches have completed all mandatory training requirements and have appropriate documentation related to coaching certification, first aid, CPR training, and background checks.
  • He/She shall attend all conference meetings related to cheer as the liaison between conference and the association and report back to the board.
  • He/She shall be prepared to attend all associated Pop Warner cheer events/competitions to provide support as needed by the teams or directed by the board.
  • He/She shall coordinate and attend cheer head coaching training.
  • He/She, in coordination with Coaches Representative and Player Agent, shall be involved with all parental concerns/issues, and make recommendations through the chain of command to the Board of Directors.
  • He/She shall coordinate, in conjunction with the Business Manager Representative and Cheer Registration Coordinator, the organization and maintenance of all team books for presentation at conference certification.
  • He/She shall present, in conjunction with the Cheer Equipment/Uniform Coordinator, requested vendor bids and recommendations to the board and ensure compliance with the established budget determined by the board.
  • He/She shall, in conjunction with the Fields Coordinator, research and recommend appropriate indoor/outdoor cheer practice facility needs and report to the board.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours at each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized HVPW fundraising/sponsorship events.
  • He/She shall attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.

Athletic Director / Football Coaches Representative - James McDuffie

The position of Football Coaches Representative is an appointed position and VOTING member who shall be responsible for:

  • He/She shall lead and facilitate the football coaches interviews.
  • He/She shall provided communication to and from all football coaches and the board.
  • He/She shall be responsible for the design and submission of the coaching survey to the board for approval.
  • He/She shall present detailed survey results to the board for consideration prior to head coach interviews.
  • He/She shall, in coordination with the Player Agent, address all parental concerns/issues and report to the board.
  • He/She shall develop and facilitate football coaches training as needed/required.
  • He/She shall work closely with the President and Safety Director to ensure all First Aid/CPR and background check requirements are met.
  • He/She shall schedule and facilitate all head football coach meetings.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours at each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized PW fundraising/sponsorship events.
  • He/She shall attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.

Fields Coordinator - David Gutierrez

The position of Fields Coordinator is an appointed position and VOTING member who shall be responsible for:

  • He/She shall represent the board at all city/school's field meetings and report to the board.
  • He/She shall represent the board at all Huntington Valley Youth Sports meetings and report to the board.
  • He/She shall research and submit to the board for approval, all required/desired fields for practice and game use for football.
  • He/She shall submit all field requests in accordance with schedules and procedures set by the city of fountain Valley Huntington Beach & HBUHSD.
  • Eh/She shall prepared and communicate all practice and game field assignments and schedules to all head coaches, football & cheer.
  • He/She shall manage and direct or perform all field maintenance and preparation activities for the board.
  • he/She shall be responsible for the inspecting and lining, as necessary for all football playing fields in accordance with National Pop Warner rules, ensuring that all fields are clearly and properly marked prior to each week's games.
  • He/She shall be responsible for inspecting and recommending replacement of all field equipment such as first down markers, chains, pylons, etc.
  • He/She shall be responsible for neatly storing all field equipment in both the storage container and the storage cage at Fountain Valley High School.
  • He/She shall be responsible for inspecting, or assigning the inspection, of the sidelines/stands and removing all debris following the last games on the fields.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours at each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized HVPW fundraising/sponsorship events.
  • He/She shall attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.

Football Equipment Manager - Kyle Feiler

The position of Football Equipment Manager is an appointed position and VOTING member who shall be responsible for:

  • He/She shall be responsible for yearly safety inspections of all football equipment.
  • He/She shall research and request vendor bids for all required football uniform and/or equipment purchases or the reconditioning of the same.
  • He/She shall present bids and recommendations to the board for review and approval for inclusion into the budget.
  • He/She shall organize, clean, and maintain the equipment storage.
  • He/She shall maintain accurate inventories for all equipment.
  • He/She shall develop and present equipment/uniform issue and return procedures to the board for review and approval.
  • He/She shall implement and manage all equipment/uniform issue and return activities including the accurate sizing for all issued equipment and uniforms during registration.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours at each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized HVPW fundraising/sponsorship events.
  • He/She shall attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.

Team Parent Coordinator (Football & Cheer) -Amy Ioane

The position of Team Parent Coordinator is an appointed position and VOTING member who shall be responsible for:

  • He/She shall organize and provide consistent, required training to team parents for both football and cheer prior to the start of the season, including but not limited to, their responsibilities as determined by the board and the team head coach.
  • He/She shall research and request bids and samples from sports photographers and trophy vendors and submit recommendations to the board for approval.
  • He/She shall schedule and coordinate picture day activities with all teams and photographer.
  • He/She shall coordinate distribution of picture packages in a timely manner to all team parents.
  • He/She shall coordinate and schedule all teams who desire to operate concessions during the Pop Warner season for all home games. Scheduling shall be based on field availability and shall be offered to all teams, from oldest to youngest divisions.
  • He/She shall coordinate the acquisition of all team rosters from team parents, to ensure verification of all player/cheerleader name spelling.
  • He/She shall provide accurate names/teams to approved trophy provider and verify names/rosters when trophies are received. He/She shall distribute trophies to all team parents in a timely manner.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours at each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized HVPW fundraising/sponsorship events.
  • He/She shall attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.

Marketing & Communications Director - Eric Fa'amausili

The position of Communications Coordinator is an appointed position and a VOTING member who shall be responsible for:

  • He/She shall coordinate design, management and maintenance of the HVPW association's website ( as required and/or directed by the board.
  • He/She shall ensure the website is updated and kept current as needed.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours at each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized HVPW fundraising/sponsorship events.
  • He/She shall attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.

Cheer Coaches Representative - Jessica Anderson

The position of Cheer Coaches Representative is an appointed position and a VOTING member who shall be responsible for:

  • He/She shall lead and facilitate the cheer coach's interviews.
  • He/She shall provide communication to and from all cheer coaches, cheer coordinator and the board.
  • He/She shall be responsible for the design and submission of the coaching survey to the cheer coordinator for approval.
  • He/She shall present detailed survey results to the cheer coordinator for consideration prior to head coach interviews.
  • He/She shall address all parental concerns/issues and report to the Cheer Coordinator.
  • He/She shall develop and facilitate cheer coaches training as needed/required.
  • He/She shall work closely with the Cheer Coordinator to ensure that all First Aid/CPR and background check requirements are met.
  • He/She shall schedule and facilitate all head coach meetings.
  • He/She shall represent the board for a minimum of 2 hours at each HVPW home game.
  • He/She shall work at HVPW events such as, but not limited to registrations, assigned team meetings and/or authorized HVPW fundraising/sponsorship events.
  • He/She shall attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.


Little Scholars Coordinator - Open
Business Manager & Player Agent Representative - Open
Sponsorship/Fundraising Coordinator - Open
Cheer Equipment / Uniform Manager - Open
Safety Director - Open


Huntington Valley Youth Football + Cheer
16787 Beach Blvd, PO BOX #150
Huntington Beach, California 92647

Phone: 714-208-0397
Email: [email protected]

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